Main Proceedings

1. Claims
2. Verdicts

1. Claims | Catholic Marriage Courts

The following charts show the claim interests in the main proceedings. Chart 1.0 covers all proceedings of the two Catholic marriage courts investigated. Using the arrows located to the right and left of the chart you can access further charts which, starting with the number 1.1, each differentiate the claim interests according to the investigated marriage courts and the different time segments.

Slideshow 1 deals with the claim interests independent of the sex of the plaintiff, slideshow 2 contains the claim interests of the wives, slideshow 3 those of the husbands.

The charts illustrate that in addition to the annulments since 1857 the Catholic marriage courts once again decided on divorce proceedings. In contrast to the secular jurisdiction here uncontested divorces were no longer possible. The differentiation by sex makes it clear that again the vast majority of the divorce proceedings had been filed by the wives.

2. Verdicts | Catholic Marriage Courts

The following charts show the verdicts in the main proceedings. Chart 1.0 covers the verdicts of all main proceedings of the two Catholic marriage courts investigated. Using the arrows located to the right and left of the chart you can access further charts which, starting with the number 1.1, each differentiate the verdicts according to the investigated marriage courts and the different time segments.

Slideshow 1 deals with the verdicts independent of the sex of the plaintiff, slideshow 2 contains the verdicts of proceedings filed by the wives, slideshow 3 those filed by the husbands.

The charts illustrate that the Catholic marriage courts rarely granted an unlimited divorce, but rather limited the amount of time in which the couple was allowed to live separated from bed and board.


Andrea Griesebner, 2016, translation Jennifer Blaak
Last Update: Andrea Griesebner, January 2021

Next sub-item: Case Studies
Citation: Andrea Griesebner, Main Proceedings » Start » Matrimonial Proceedings » Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction (1857–1868), in: Webportal. Marriage at Court 3.0, 2024, <>. [Date of access: 2024-07-27]