Georg Tschannett

Foto Tschannett

Born in Bregenz (Vorarlberg) in 1981, studied Cultural Studies and History in Vienna. Completed his dissertation which was supported through a research scholarship from the University of Vienna in 2010, and was awarded the Michael Mitterauer Scholarship for Societal, Cultural and Economic History in 2015. Since the summer semester of 2010 he has had various positions as a teacher for the History Institute at the University of Vienna, and has also worked as an editorial journalist and joint editor of the periodical Frühneuzeit-Info (Early Modern Period-Info). From 2011-2015 scientific project staff member (Pre Doc) for the project Ehen vor Gericht (Marriages at Court); from 2015-2016 scientific project research assistant (Post Doc) in the project Eheprozesse zwischen dem 16. und 19. Jahrhundert (Matrimonial Proceedings between the 16th and 19th centuries).

Consultant for the Federal Administrative Court since January 2017.

Broken Marriages: Separations of bed and board in Vienna (1783-1850), graduation with honours: July 2015

Corporeal, Criminal and Gender History of the Early Modern Period, History of Law and History of Matrimony in the late 18th and early 19th century.


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