Under signatures you find the information on the sources which were used to investigate the portrayed proceedings.
DAW = Diocesan Archive Vienna
PP = Minutes of the Lower Officialat of the Diocese of Passau
WP = Minutes of the (Arch)diocese of Vienna
The first number represents the archive number of the book; the number after the underscore refers to either the page(s) or the folio sheet. An r (recto) after the number refers to the front side of a sheet, while a v (verso) after the number refers to the back side of a sheet.
The unbound rapulatura PP 189 is an exception to this rule. Here the sheets are halved and the sheets are given whole (i.e. 14) and half numbers (i.e. 14.5). In order to identify if the text is on the first or second sheet we added the letter a or b. For example, 14ar is the first side of the first sheet of 14, while 14bv is the back side of the second sheet of 14.
WStLA = Vienna City and Provincial Archive
The additional source information is made up of the archive signature, the carton, the file or dossier number, and the number of the year in which the proceedings began.
ASE = Archive of the City of Eggenburg
ASL = Archive of the City of Langenlois
ASP = Archive of the City of Tulln
AMP = Archive of the market of Perchtoldsdorf
HSeit = Dominion of Seitenstetten
HSitz = Dominion of Sitzenberg
The additional source information differentiates between sources, nowadays deposited in the city or market archives and those stored in the NÖLA = Lower Austrian Provincial Archive
RP = Council Minutes
K = Carton
DASP = Diocesan Archive St. Pölten
MDAW = Metropolitan Archive Vienna
DAW = Diocesan Archive Vienna
PP = Minutes of the Lower Officialat of the Diocese of Passau
WP = Minutes of the (Arch)diocese of Vienna
The first number represents the archive number of the book; the number after the underscore refers to either the page(s) or the folio sheet. An r (recto) after the number refers to the front side of a sheet, while a v (verso) after the number refers to the back side of a sheet.
The unbound rapulatura PP 189 is an exception to this rule. Here the sheets are halved and the sheets are given whole (i.e. 14) and half numbers (i.e. 14.5). In order to identify if the text is on the first or second sheet we added the letter a or b. For example, 14ar is the first side of the first sheet of 14, while 14bv is the back side of the second sheet of 14.
WStLA = Vienna City and Provincial Archive
The additional source information is made up of the archive signature, the carton, the file or dossier number, and the number of the year in which the proceedings began.
ASE = Archive of the City of Eggenburg
ASL = Archive of the City of Langenlois
ASP = Archive of the City of Tulln
AMP = Archive of the market of Perchtoldsdorf
HSeit = Dominion of Seitenstetten
HSitz = Dominion of Sitzenberg
The additional source information differentiates between sources, nowadays deposited in the city or market archives and those stored in the NÖLA = Lower Austrian Provincial Archive
RP = Council Minutes
K = Carton
DASP = Diocesan Archive St. Pölten
MDAW = Metropolitan Archive Vienna