- Adambergerin, Elisabeth and Adamberger, Theodor (2 proceedings)
- Adamerin, Ursula and Adamer, Michael (4 proceedings)
- Agnerin, Theresia and Agner, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Aichin, Katharina and Aich, Anton (3 proceedings)
- Aichingerin, Eva and Aichinger, Johann Georg (4 proceedings)
- Allmansfellnerin, Josepha and Allmansfelder, Joseph Michael (1 proceedings)
- Almassyn, Anna Clara and Almassy, Daniel Alois (1 proceedings)
- Amorin, Elisabeth and Amor, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Amschelin, Magdalena and Amschel, Lorenz (1 proceedings)
- Applin, Francisca and Appel, Franz (1 proceedings)
- Apöckin, Theresia and Apöck, Friedrich (1 proceedings)
- Arbeitlangin, Magdalena and Arbeitlang, Johann Michael (1 proceedings)
- Asankin, Ursula and Asank, Mathias (1 proceedings)
- Astlerin, Theresia and Astler, Ignatz (1 proceedings)
- Aubergerin, Elisabeth and Auberger, Joseph (2 proceedings)
- Baldaufin, Maria Anna and Baldauf, Joseph (2 proceedings)
- Bandlin, Johanna and Bandl, Anton (4 proceedings)
- Banotzyn, Josepha and Banotzy, Georg (1 proceedings)
- Bartolotti, Maria Anna von and Bartolotti, Johann Anton von (5 proceedings)
- Baumannin, Magdalena and Baumann, Georg (2 proceedings)
- Bayerin, Magdalena and Bayer, Georg (2 proceedings)
- Bekerin, Maria Anna and Beker, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Bencoin, Anna Maria and Benco, Joseph (4 proceedings)
- Benzoni, Elisabeth von and Benzoni, Karl von (1 proceedings)
- Bergerin, Anna Maria and Berger, Philipp (2 proceedings)
- Bergerin, Elisabeth and Berger, Andreas (3 proceedings)
- Besenböckin, Barbara and Besenböck, Leopold (1 proceedings)
- Bichelmayrin, Barbara and Bichelmayr, Jacob (1 proceedings)
- Biglerin, Anna and Bigler, Wilhelm (1 proceedings)
- Bildlin, Katharina and Bild, Nicolaus (1 proceedings)
- Binderin, Elisabeth and Binder, Andre (1 proceedings)
- Bittermannin, Klara and Bittermann, Jacob (1 proceedings)
- Bittnerin, Eleonora and Bittner, Ignaz (1 proceedings)
- Bliebergerin, Theresia and Blieberger, Joseph (2 proceedings)
- Bourmann, Maria Susanna Freyin von and Bourmann, Andreas Freiherr von (1 proceedings)
- Brambilla, Franziska (Romana) and Brambilla, Anton von (5 proceedings)
- Bratin, Clara and Brat, Mathias (1 proceedings)
- Braunin, Elisabeth and Braun, Andre (2 proceedings)
- Bründlin, Theresia and Bründl, Joseph (7 proceedings)
- Böckin, Maria Josepha and Böck, Augustin (2 proceedings)
- Böhmin, Katharina and Böhm, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Bökin, Barbara and Bök, Sebastian (1 proceedings)
- Christliebin, Johanna and Christlieb, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Cyernahorskin, Josepha and Cyernahorsky, Josef (1 proceedings)
- Demleithnerin, Maria Anna and Demleithner, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Dierin, Barbara and Dier, Johann (2 proceedings)
- Dietzin, Theresia and Dietz, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Dirlopin, Elisabeth and Dirlop, Hironymus (1 proceedings)
- Doblerin, Susanna and Dobler, Johann Michael (1 proceedings)
- Dollianin, Maria Anna and Dollian, Anton (1 proceedings)
- Dombergerin, Clara and Domberger, Augustin (5 proceedings)
- Domenekin, Eva Rosina and Domenek, Franz (3 proceedings)
- Donhauser, Elisabeth and Donhauser, Gottfried (1 proceedings)
- Dorglerin, Katharina and Dorgler, Christoph (1 proceedings)
- Dukatin, Christina and Dukati, Johann Bapt. (3 proceedings)
- Ebnerin, Elisabeth and Ebner, Jacob (2 proceedings)
- Ebnerin, Josepha and Ebner, Anton (4 proceedings)
- Edlin, Elisabeth and Edl, Frantz (1 proceedings)
- Eggerin, Anna Maria and Egger, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Eglin, Magdalena and Egle, Georg (1 proceedings)
- Ehrenfeld, Victoria Frechin von and Ehrenfeld, Franz Frech von (5 proceedings)
- Ehrenhoferin, Catharina and Ehrenhofer, Urban (3 proceedings)
- Eisenbergerin, Maria Anna and Eisenberger, Franz (1 proceedings)
- Endtnerin, Magdalena and Endtner, Gottlieb (1 proceedings)
- Entersinn, Franziska and Entersinn, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Ercholdin, Anna Maria and Erchold, Georg (1 proceedings)
- Esterhazy, Ernestine Gräfin von and Esterhazy, Franciscus Graf von (1 proceedings)
- Fahrenbergerin, Anna Maria and Fahrenberger, Mathias (3 proceedings)
- Falkin, Elisabeth and Falk, Melchior (2 proceedings)
- Feilenbeck, Barbara von and Feilenbeck, Karl von (1 proceedings)
- Fellnerin, Rosalia and Fellner, Mathias (3 proceedings)
- Fellnerin, Theresia and Fellner, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Fenzin, Elisabeth and Fenz, Hans Georg (1 proceedings)
- Feslerin, Margareth and Fesler, Magnus (1 proceedings)
- Finkin, Barbara and Fink, Andreas (1 proceedings)
- Fischerin, Magdalena and Fischer, Mathias (1 proceedings)
- Fischleinin, Theresia and Fischlein, Balthasar (4 proceedings)
- Fleischmannin, Helena and Fleischmann, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Flerin, Rosalia and Flery, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Forchtnerin, Anna Maria and Forchtner, Anton (9 proceedings)
- Forrerin, Ursula and Forrer, Jacob (2 proceedings)
- Forsterin, Barbara and Forster, Martin (1 proceedings)
- Fortunatin, Anna and Fortunat, Adam (1 proceedings)
- Frankin, Franziska and Frank, Ignatz (1 proceedings)
- Freyin, Magdala and Frey, Franz (1 proceedings)
- Friesin, Theresia and Fries, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Fritzin, Anna Maria and Fritz, Anton (2 proceedings)
- Fritzin, Maria Anna and Fritz, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Fröscherin, Theresia and Fröscher, Johann Adam (3 proceedings)
- Fuchsin, Josepha Antonia and Fuchs, Joseph Anton (2 proceedings)
- Fuxin, Elisabeth and Fux, Melchior (1 proceedings)
- Führingerin, Theresia and Führinger, Ferdinand (1 proceedings)
- Födransperg, Klara von and Födransperg, Anton Edler von (2 proceedings)
- Gasperlin, Anna Maria and Gasperl, Franz (2 proceedings)
- Gatterin, Elisabeth and Gatter, Johann (2 proceedings)
- Gaubin, Katharina and Gaube, Nikolaus (2 proceedings)
- Geissenhoferin, Johanna and Geissenhofer, Joseph (2 proceedings)
- Gengerin, Elisabeth and Genger, Anton (3 proceedings)
- Gergerin, Josepha and Gerger, Michael (1 proceedings)
- Gerstmayrin, Anna Maria and Gerstmayr, Wenzel (1 proceedings)
- Gfrörin, Barbara and Gfrör, Kaspar (1 proceedings)
- Gindlin, Regina and Gindl, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Glückin, Anna Maria and Glück, Mathias (1 proceedings)
- Grafin, Johanna and Graf, Georg (1 proceedings)
- Graminger, Franziska and Graminger, Andreas (1 proceedings)
- Grazia, Rosalia Gräfin von and Grazia, Michael Angelo Graf von (4 proceedings)
- Grillin, Katharina and Grill, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Grimin, Elisabeth and Grim, Johann (3 proceedings)
- Groggenbergerin, Maria Anna and Groggenberger, Leopold (1 proceedings)
- Grossmannin, Anna Maria and Grossmann, Jacob (1 proceedings)
- Growe, Magdalena and Growe, Thomas (2 proceedings)
- Gruberin, Elisabeth and Gruber, Gottlieb (1 proceedings)
- Gruberin, Maria Anna and Gruber, Franz (1 proceedings)
- Grünwaldin, Francisca and Grünwald, Alexander (3 proceedings)
- Gugumukin, Polyxena and Gugumuk, Joseph (2 proceedings)
- Gurtnerin, Rosalia and Gurtner, Anton (1 proceedings)
- Günsbergerin, Corona and Günsberger, Daniel (1 proceedings)
- Göllnerin, Katharina and Göllner, Joseph (3 proceedings)
- Haanin, Magdalena and Haan, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Haaßin, Barbara and Haaß, Emerich (2 proceedings)
- Hadaunin, Magdalena and Hadaun, Adalbert (9 proceedings)
- Haderin, Genofeva and Haderer, Mathias (1 proceedings)
- Hagerin, Anna Maria and Hager, Johann Michael (1 proceedings)
- Hagerin, Katharina and Hager, Georg (1 proceedings)
- Haidin, Katharina and Haid, Andre (1 proceedings)
- Haidin, Katharina and Haid, Thomas (1 proceedings)
- Haillerin, Eva Maria and Hailler, Dominik (1 proceedings)
- Hainzin, Theresia and Hainz, Jacob (1 proceedings)
- Hakerin, Antonia and N.N. (1 proceedings)
- Halloy, Johanna von and Halloy, Joseph von (1 proceedings)
- Hammerer, Xaveria von and Hammerer, Leopold von (2 proceedings)
- Hammermüllerin, Josepha and Hammermüller, Franz (2 proceedings)
- Hartmannin, Barbara and Hartmann, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Hausböckin, Anna Maria and Hausböck, Paul (1 proceedings)
- Hayderin, Anna Elisabeth and Hayder, Johann Michael (1 proceedings)
- Haßin, Magdalena and Haß, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Hebenstreitin, Catharina and Hebenstreit, Jacob (2 proceedings)
- Heilandin, Sophia and Heiland, Jacob (1 proceedings)
- Heindlin, Elisabeth and Heindl, Mathaeus (2 proceedings)
- Hemlin, Katharina and Hemmel, Georg (1 proceedings)
- Hennebichlerin, Anna Maria and Hennebichler, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Hermannin, Eva Rosina and Hermann, Mathias (1 proceedings)
- Herzogin, Barbara and Herzog Aloys (2 proceedings)
- Heubergerin, Elisabeth and Heuberger, Christoph (1 proceedings)
- Hiesbergerin, Anna and Hiesberger, Georg (1 proceedings)
- Hillinger, Theresia and Hillinger, Franz Karl (1 proceedings)
- Himmelmayrin, Elisabeth and Himmelmayr, Franz (1 proceedings)
- Hobekerin, Maria Anna and Hobeker, Johann Michael (3 proceedings)
- Hochauerin, Anna Maria and Hochauer, Franz (3 proceedings)
- Hocheneckerin, Maria and Hochenecker, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Hofbauerin, Anna and Hofbauer, Franz (1 proceedings)
- Hoferin, Francisca and Hofer, Marcus (1 proceedings)
- Hoferin, Regina and Hofer, Johann Karl (2 proceedings)
- Hofmanin, Magdalena and Hofmann, Rochus (2 proceedings)
- Hofmannin, Franziska and Hofmann, Jacob (1 proceedings)
- Hofmannin, Rosa and Hofmann, Joseph (2 proceedings)
- Hoppin, Carolina and Hoppe, Johann Lorenz (1 proceedings)
- Huberin, Anna Maria and Huber, Johann (2 proceedings)
- Huberin, Klara and Huber, Johann Michael (1 proceedings)
- Huberin, Magdalena and Huber, Franz (3 proceedings)
- Humbourg, Barbara Edle von and Humbourg, Johann Nepomuk Edler von (2 proceedings)
- Höchtelin, Maria Anna and Höchtel, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Höllrigl, Maria Anna and Höllrigl, Caspar (1 proceedings)
- Hörmannin, Franziska and Hörmann, Paul (3 proceedings)
- Hötzlin, Anna Maria and Hötzl, Philipp (1 proceedings)
- Jakobeckin, Justina and Jakobeck, Georg (1 proceedings)
- Jecklin, Maria Anna and Jeckl, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Jeswagnerin, Katharina and Jeswagner, Johann Georg (1 proceedings)
- Johannin, Katharina and Johann, Adam (1 proceedings)
- Jungin, Theresia and Jung, Clement (1 proceedings)
- Jüttner, Theresia and Jüttner, Franz (2 proceedings)
- Jägerin, Maria Anna and Jäger, Franz (1 proceedings)
- Kaarin, Barbara and Kaar, Andre (1 proceedings)
- Kallingerin, Maria Anna and Kallinger, Michael (1 proceedings)
- Kaltenhauserin, Rosalia and Kaltenhauser, Christoph (1 proceedings)
- Kamanin, Katharina and Kaman, Michael (1 proceedings)
- Karenbetzin, Magdalena and Karenbetz, Anton (1 proceedings)
- Karpfin, Maria Anna and Karpf, Martin (3 proceedings)
- Kastnerin, Elisabeth and Kastner, Jacob (1 proceedings)
- Kauerin, Margaretha and Kauer, Ferdinand (1 proceedings)
- Kaufmannin, Elisabeth and Kaufmann, Paul (1 proceedings)
- Kaufmannin, Magdalena and Kaufmann, Philipp (1 proceedings)
- Kayserin, Theresia and Kayser, Franz (1 proceedings)
- Kellerin, Katharina and Keller, Johann Georg (1 proceedings)
- Kellhammerin, Josepha and Kellhamer, Joseph (2 proceedings)
- Kellin, Elisabeth and Kell, Mathias (2 proceedings)
- Kilianin, Rosalia and Kilian, Joseph (2 proceedings)
- Kinsburg, Maria Anna and Kinsburg, Franz de Paula (1 proceedings)
- Kirchnerin, Anna and Kirchner, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Kleein, Gertraud and Klee, Anton (1 proceedings)
- Klöklin, Magdalena and Klökl, Martin (1 proceedings)
- Kolbin, Anna Maria and Kolb, Karl (2 proceedings)
- Kolbin, Genovefa and Kolb, Mathias (2 proceedings)
- Kollmannin, Barbara and Kollmann, Mathias (1 proceedings)
- Kraftin, Juliana and Kraft, Michael (1 proceedings)
- Kralin, Eva and Kral, Johann Kristoph (1 proceedings)
- Kranewetter, Magdalena and Kranewetter, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Krausin, Maria Anna and Kraus, Johann (3 proceedings)
- Kremserin, Anna Maria and Kremser, Johann Michael (2 proceedings)
- Kreulin, Barbara and Kreul, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Krieglerin, Barbara and Kriegler, Jakob (1 proceedings)
- Krieglerin, Magdalena and Kriegler, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Kristin, Maria Anna and Krist, Michael (2 proceedings)
- Kritschin, Katharina and Kritsch, Jacob (1 proceedings)
- Kronegg, Katharina Gräfin von and Kronegg, Karl Joseph Graf von (3 proceedings)
- Kuberin, Anna and Kuber, Johann (2 proceedings)
- Kufnerin, Josepha and Kufner, Joseph (2 proceedings)
- Kuglerin, Katharina and Kugler, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Kuhefussin, Theresia and Kuhefuss, Anton (1 proceedings)
- Kunstin, Maria Barbara and Kunst, Karl (2 proceedings)
- Kurzin, Theresia and Kurz, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Kussenbauerin, Theresia and Kussenbauer, Jacob (1 proceedings)
- Kächerin, Elisabeth and Kächer, Georg (1 proceedings)
- Königsbergerin, Magdalena and Königsberger, Johann Georg (1 proceedings)
- Königsbergin, Katharina and Königsberger, Anton (1 proceedings)
- Körperin, Theresia and Körper, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Kötzin, Christina and Kötz, Franz (2 proceedings)
- Lacknerin, Katharina and Lackner, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Lackowizerin, Barbara and Lackowizer, Franz Adam (4 proceedings)
- Laiminger, Rosina and Laiminger, Karl Joseph (4 proceedings)
- Lamblin, Katharina and Lambl, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Landgräfin, Katharina and Landgraf, Franz (3 proceedings)
- Langin, Elisabeth and Lang, Michael (1 proceedings)
- Lanyin, Theresia and Lany, Franz (2 proceedings)
- Laurenti, Maria Anna and Laurenti, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Lazelbergerin, Anna Maria and Lazelberger, Thomas (1 proceedings)
- Leberin, Theresia and Leber, Anton (1 proceedings)
- Lechnerin, Franziska and Lechner, Franz (1 proceedings)
- Lehnerin, Barbara and Lehner, Georg (1 proceedings)
- Liechtenstern, Anna Maria von and Liechtenstern, Ägyd von (3 proceedings)
- Lieserin, Johanna and Lieser, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Lindnerin, Barbara and Lindner, Johannes (2 proceedings)
- Linzbaurin, Katharina and Linzbauer, Johann Michael (5 proceedings)
- Luchmannin, Theresia and Luchmann, Anton (4 proceedings)
- Luckner, Maria Anna and Luckner, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Lumpleckerin, Rosina and Lumpleker, Johann Georg (1 proceedings)
- Lystrofin, Thersia and Lystrof, Anton Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Mahlerin, Elisabeth and Mahler, Johann Michael (1 proceedings)
- Majonin, Maria Anna and Majon, Franz (1 proceedings)
- Mannerin, Theresia and Manner, Ignatz (1 proceedings)
- Mannin, Maria Anna and Mann, Leopold (2 proceedings)
- Marnerin, Maria Anna and Marner, Friedrich (1 proceedings)
- Marsellin, Barbara and Marselli, Ambros (2 proceedings)
- Maurerin, Theresia and Maurer, Andreas (1 proceedings)
- Mayerhoferin, Katharina and Mayerhofer, Mathias (2 proceedings)
- Mayerin, Barbara and Mayer, Johann (4 proceedings)
- Mayerin, Magdalena and Mayer, Sebastian (2 proceedings)
- Mayrin, Anna Maria and Mayr, Andre (1 proceedings)
- Mayrin, Juliana and Mayr, Leopold (5 proceedings)
- Mayrin, Katharina and Mayer, Joseph (3 proceedings)
- Mayrin, Maria Anna and Mayr, Simon (1 proceedings)
- Mayrin, Ursula and Mayr, Andre (1 proceedings)
- Megischin, Sabina and Megisch, Gottlieb (1 proceedings)
- Melchiorin, Maria Anna and Melchior, Blasius (4 proceedings)
- Menzingerin, Elisabeth and Menzinger, Johann Georg (1 proceedings)
- Merlin, Magdalena and Merlin, Georg (1 proceedings)
- Meyrin, Theresia and Meyr, Johann (2 proceedings)
- Michaelickin, Anna Maria and Michaelick, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Mitganin, Anna Maria and Mitgan, Wenzel (1 proceedings)
- Mitterreiterin, Theresia and Mitterreiter, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Mitzkin, Maria Anna and Mitzky, Blasius (1 proceedings)
- Mühlnerin, Katharina and Mühlner, Lorenz (2 proceedings)
- Müller, Barbara von and Müller, Johann Sebastian von (2 proceedings)
- Neubauerin, Eleonora and Neubauer, Anton (1 proceedings)
- Neudorferin, Eva Maria and Neudorfer, Franz (2 proceedings)
- Neuholdin, Katharina and Neuhold, Peter (1 proceedings)
- Neusidlerin, Elisabeth and Neusidler, Ignatz (1 proceedings)
- Niederleithnerin, Katharina and Niederleithner, Peter (1 proceedings)
- Niklasin, Elisabeth and Niklas, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Nixin, Anna Maria and Nix, Theodor (4 proceedings)
- Nussin, Anna Maria and Nuss, Georg (1 proceedings)
- Obstin, Elisabeth and Obst, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Odensteinerin, Katharina and Odensteiner, Johann Georg (4 proceedings)
- Oswaldin, Antonia and Oswald, Georg (1 proceedings)
- Paluccin, Eleonora and Palucci, Santi (1 proceedings)
- Pauerin, Franziska and Pauer, Paul (1 proceedings)
- Paurin, Elisabeth and Pauer, Jakob (1 proceedings)
- Perinin, Theresia and Perin, Gabriel (10 proceedings)
- Perschin, Eleonora and Perschi, Johann (3 proceedings)
- Peterin, Maria Magdalena and Peter, Joseph (2 proceedings)
- Pfeiferin, Theresia and Pfeifer, Franz (3 proceedings)
- Pfisterin, Maria Anna and Pfisterer, Georg (1 proceedings)
- Pfundhellerin, Anna and Pfundheller, Dominik (1 proceedings)
- Philippin, Magdalena and Philipp, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Philippin, Theresia and Philipp, Heinrich (1 proceedings)
- Piglerin, Theresia and Pigler, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Pillweinin, Theresia and Pillwein, Franz (3 proceedings)
- Pirnigerin, Theresia and Pirniger, Mathias (1 proceedings)
- Placknerin, Elisabeth and Plackner, Mathias (1 proceedings)
- Pockin, Anna Maria and Pock, Karl (1 proceedings)
- Prankoin, Theresia and Pranko, Paul (3 proceedings)
- Prinzin, Sophia and Prinz, Johann Michael (1 proceedings)
- Prucknerin, Maria Anna and Pruckner, Karl (1 proceedings)
- Prüglin, Thersia and Prügl, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Pürkin, Magdalena and Pürk, Peter (14 proceedings)
- Pölleritzerin, Susanna and Pölleritzer, Sebastian (2 proceedings)
- Quarinin, Maria Anna and Quarin, Joseph (4 proceedings)
- Rabenbach, Johanna von and Rabenbach, Ignaz von (4 proceedings)
- Rachovinin, Franzisca and Rachovin, Wenzl (1 proceedings)
- Radmayerin, Margareth and Radmeyer, Michael (1 proceedings)
- Raitzelin, Franziska and Raitzel, Franz (1 proceedings)
- Rapfin, Eva Maria and Rapf, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Rathgebin, Eleonora and Rathgeb, Johann Michael (1 proceedings)
- Rathin, Anna Maria and Rath, Johann Georg (2 proceedings)
- Raunin, Wilhelmina and Raun, Gottlieb Friedrich Karl (3 proceedings)
- Redingerin, Maria Anna and Redinger, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Redl, Josepha Susanna and Redl, Karl (1 proceedings)
- Reicherin, Elisabeth and Reicher, Anton (1 proceedings)
- Renzingin, Katharina and Renzing, Theodor (2 proceedings)
- Resinin, Josepha and Resin, Heinrich (3 proceedings)
- Richterin, Ludovica and Richter, Felix (1 proceedings)
- Riedlin, Gertraud and Riedl, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Riedlin, Maria Anna and Riedl, Sylvester (1 proceedings)
- Rieschin, Margareth and Riesch, Mathias (1 proceedings)
- Ritterin, Anna Maria and Ritter, Anton (1 proceedings)
- Ritterin, Maria and Ritter, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Rodlin, Anna Maria and Rodl, Wolfgang (7 proceedings)
- Rosenbergerin, Maria Anna and Rosenberger, Joseph (2 proceedings)
- Rottauerin, Magdalena and Rottauer, Jakob (1 proceedings)
- Rottenstädterin, Elisabeth Christina and Rottenstädter, Franz Xaver (5 proceedings)
- Rueßin, Katharina and Rueß, Franz (1 proceedings)
- Ruschin, Sabina and Rusch, Franz (4 proceedings)
- Ruzizka, Regina and Ruzizka, Johann Georg (1 proceedings)
- Sartori, Maria Anna and Sartori, Johann Georg (2 proceedings)
- Sattlerin, Maria Anna and Sattler, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Schaubergerin, Theresia and Schauberger, Sebastian (1 proceedings)
- Schienanfi, Theresia and Schienanfi, Ladislaus (1 proceedings)
- Schillaweinin, Regina and Schillawein, Leopold (1 proceedings)
- Schmelzerin, Maria Anna and Schmelzer, Jakob (2 proceedings)
- Schmidtin, (Maria) Elisabeth and Schmidt, Joseph (5 proceedings)
- Schmidtin, Susanna and Schmidt, Karl (6 proceedings)
- Schneckin, Margareth and Schneck, Joachim (1 proceedings)
- Schneiderin, Anna Maria and Schneider, Franz (1 proceedings)
- Schreimlin, Gertraud and Schreimel, Karl (1 proceedings)
- Schremserin, Justina and Schremser, Joseph (2 proceedings)
- Schuberthin, Maria Anna and Schuberth, Johann Friedrich von Ehrenberg (1 proceedings)
- Schuhin, Maria Anna and Schuh, Joseph (4 proceedings)
- Schusterin, Theresia and Schuster, Benedickt (5 proceedings)
- Schwabin, Anna Maria and Schwab, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Schwarzhapplin, Anna Maria and Schwarzhappl, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Schwarzin, Magdalena and Schwarz, Michael (1 proceedings)
- Schwarzmanin, Barbara and Schwarzmann, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Schwarzmannin, Gertraud and Schwarzmann, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Schöchtner, Anna Maria and Schöchtner, Andre (1 proceedings)
- Schöffmannin, Katharina and Schöffmann, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Schönbaurin, Maria and Schönbaur, Mathias (1 proceedings)
- Schönin, Katharina and Schön, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Schönkin, Sabina and Schönk, Joseph (2 proceedings)
- Seewaldin, Maria Anna and Seewald, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Sehnleinin, Anna Maria and Sehnlein, Erhard (1 proceedings)
- Seidl, Barbara and Seidl, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Seidlin, Barbara and Seidl, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Seitzin, Theresia and Seitz, Joseph (2 proceedings)
- Seligin, Maria Anna and Selig, Johann Michael (1 proceedings)
- Seyfertin, Maria Anna and Seyfert, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Seyfriedin, Christina and Seyfried, Heinrich (1 proceedings)
- Siessnerin, Maria Anna and Siessner, Georg (1 proceedings)
- Soltanin, Elisabeth and Soltann, Carl (1 proceedings)
- Sonnleuthnerin, Gertraud and Sonnleuthner, Leopold (3 proceedings)
- Spalofsky, Caecilia and Spalofsky, Joachim (1 proceedings)
- Spaziererin, Franziska and Spazierer, Martin (12 proceedings)
- Spaziererin, Maria Theresia and Spazierer, Anton (1 proceedings)
- Spaziererin, Theresia and Spazierer, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Spiesin, Sabina and Spies, Michael (1 proceedings)
- Stareckin, Justina and Stareck, Karl (1 proceedings)
- Steidlin, Theresia and Steidl, Lorenz (2 proceedings)
- Steinbrecherin, Maria Anna and Steinbrecher, Michael (1 proceedings)
- Steineckin, Regina and Steineck, Edmund (2 proceedings)
- Steinerin, Johanna and Steiner, Johann Nepomuk (1 proceedings)
- Steiningerin, Eva and Steininger, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Stelzlin, Maria Anna and Stelzl, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Stephanin, Maria Anna and Stephan, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Sternin, Elisabeth and Stern, Simon (1 proceedings)
- Stielin, Barbara and Stieli, Ignatz (2 proceedings)
- Stockerin, Theresia and Stocker, Mathias (1 proceedings)
- Stockfellnerin, Rosa and Stockfellner, Simon (1 proceedings)
- Streicherin, Anna Maria and Streicher, Johann Georg (2 proceedings)
- Strellin, Barbara and Strell, Paul (1 proceedings)
- Strohmayerin, Katharina and Strohmayer, Ignatz (1 proceedings)
- Stuppergerin, Magdalena and Stupperger, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Sturm, Anna Katharina and Sturm, Matheus Eberhardt (1 proceedings)
- Stöcklin, Paulina and Stöckel, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Stögerin, Anna Maria and Stöger, Johann Michael (3 proceedings)
- Suchhartin, Rosalia and Suchhart, Johann (2 proceedings)
- Summerau, Klara Freyin von and Summerau, Gottfried Freyherr von (2 proceedings)
- Sutterin, Elisabeth and Sutter, Johann Georg (2 proceedings)
- Szelestey, Antonia and Szelestey, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Tanzerin, Anna Maria and Tanzer, Franz (1 proceedings)
- Tasser, N. von and Tasser, Karl Edler von (1 proceedings)
- Tebergin, Magdalena and Teberg, Klandins (1 proceedings)
- Thomin, Katharina and Thom, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Thunin, Eleonora and Thun, Leopold (1 proceedings)
- Thurnin, Sidonia and Thurn, Johann Veit (2 proceedings)
- Tomaschin, Caelestina and Tomasch, Philip (1 proceedings)
- Toutems, Augustina and Toutems, Anton (3 proceedings)
- Traunfellnerin, Dorothea and Traunfellner, Jacob (1 proceedings)
- Trescherin, Ursula and Trescher, Lorenz Anton (2 proceedings)
- Türkin, Theresia and Türk, Franz (2 proceedings)
- Urbanitschin, Barbara and Urbanitsch, Jacob (2 proceedings)
- Voglin, Katharina and Vogl, Franz (5 proceedings)
- Voitin, Theresia and Voit, Johann (2 proceedings)
- Vöslin, Rosalia and Vösl, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Wagnerin, Rosina and Wagner, Anton (2 proceedings)
- Wallbergerin, Katharina and Wallberger, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Walliserin, Margareth and Walliser, Jacob (2 proceedings)
- Wallnerin, Eleonore and Wallner, Philipp (1 proceedings)
- Walthierin, Barbara and Walthier, Joseph (4 proceedings)
- Wandlerin, Katharina and Wandler, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Wasserbauerin, Theresia and Wasserbauer, Georg (1 proceedings)
- Weberin, Anna Maria and Weber, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Weghuberin, Theresia and Weghuber, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Weichselbaumin, Anna Maria and Weichselbaum, Johann (5 proceedings)
- Weinanzin, Katharina and Weinanz, Venantius (1 proceedings)
- Weinerin, Theresia and Weiner, Thadaeus (2 proceedings)
- Weinlingerin, Rosina and Weinlinger, Jakob (3 proceedings)
- Weissenhamerin, Maria Anna and Weissenhamer, Ferdinand (1 proceedings)
- Weissenhammerin, Margaretha and Weissenhamer, Bartholomaeus (1 proceedings)
- Weißhappelin, Sabina and Weißhappel, Anton Johann (3 proceedings)
- Weißin, Josepha and Weiß, Franz (1 proceedings)
- Wellesin, Katharina and Welles, Mathias (1 proceedings)
- Welsin, Barbara and Wels, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Wendlin, Josepha and Wendel, Wenzel (1 proceedings)
- Werleinin, Barbara and Werlein, Stephan (2 proceedings)
- Werlin, Katharina and Werl, Franz (1 proceedings)
- Wernhartin, Magdalena and Wernhart, Johann Leopold (3 proceedings)
- Wezlar, Maria Theresia Freyin von and Wezlar, Raymund Freyherr von (1 proceedings)
- Wickenhauserin, Maria Kristina and Wickenhauser, Baptist Johann (2 proceedings)
- Wickerin, Maria Anna and Wicker, Ludwig (7 proceedings)
- Wiesentallerin, Antonia and Wiesenthaller, Stephan (1 proceedings)
- Wiesnerin, Klara and Wisner, Michael (2 proceedings)
- Windin, Anna Maria and Wind, Andre (1 proceedings)
- Winterin, Eva Maria and Winter, Andreas (alias Kierer) (1 proceedings)
- Winterin, Maria Anna and Winter, Andreas (1 proceedings)
- Wißmayerin, Katharina and Wißmayer, Johann (2 proceedings)
- Wolfgangin, Theresia and Wolfgang, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Wolfsbergerin, Katharina and Wolfsberger, Paul (1 proceedings)
- Wührerin, Franzisca and Wührer, Franz (1 proceedings)
- Wöberin, Anna Maria and Wöber, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Zechmannin, Eva Maria and Zechmann, Bernard (1 proceedings)
- Zeeserin, Katharina and Zeeser, Mathias (1 proceedings)
- Zehentnerin, Elisabeth and Zehentner, Johann Georg (1 proceedings)
- Zehetmayerin, Rosalia and Zehetmayer, Franz (1 proceedings)
- Zellermayerin, Theresia and Zellermayer, Joseph Adam (1 proceedings)
- Zenserin, Katharina and Zenser, Mathias (1 proceedings)
- Zieglwagnerin, Sybilla and Zieglwagner, Balthasar (1 proceedings)
- Zschawanofskyn, Maria Anna and Zshawanofsky, Albert (1 proceedings)
- Zwettlerin, Gertraud and Zwettler, Karl (1 proceedings)
- Zwicklin, Magdalena and Zwickl, Joseph (1 proceedings)