- Adlerin, Franziska and Adler, Anton (1 proceedings)
- Allingerin, Maria Anna and Allinger, Joseph (2 proceedings)
- Andrein, Katharina and Andre, Johann (2 proceedings)
- Baumgartnerin, Eva and Baumgartner, Joseph (2 proceedings)
- Benedicterin, Anna and Benedicter, Paul (2 proceedings)
- Bittermannin, Juliana and Bittermann, Adam (1 proceedings)
- Blodererin, N. and Bloderer, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Borasin, Anna Katharina and Boras, Franz (1 proceedings)
- Braunwurgerin, N. and N.N. (1 proceedings)
- Bronmosin, Katharina and Bronmos, Johann Georg (2 proceedings)
- Buchartin, Elisabeth and Buchart, Stephan (1 proceedings)
- Burgerin, Anna Maria and Burger, Franz von Stein (2 proceedings)
- Christ, Magdalena and Christ, Franz (1 proceedings)
- Clausin, Theresia and Claus, Adam (1 proceedings)
- Creuzin, Magdalena and Creuz, Michael (1 proceedings)
- Czermachin, Anna Maria and Czermach, N. (1 proceedings)
- Dhurnerin, Catharina and N.N. (1 proceedings)
- Dietrichin, Elisabeth and Dietrich, Joseph (2 proceedings)
- Edlingerin, N. and Edlinger, N. (1 proceedings)
- Eggerin, Maria Anna Mailberg von and Egger, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Engelmayrin, Barbara and Engelmayer, Ferdinand (1 proceedings)
- Engsbergerin, Anna Maria and Engsberger, Franz (2 proceedings)
- Erdlin, Anna Maria and Erdl, Joseph (2 proceedings)
- Ernestin, Eleonora and Ernest, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Faschingerin, Maria Anna and Faschinger, Martin (1 proceedings)
- Fellnerin, Rosalia and Fellner, Mathias (2 proceedings)
- Fischerin, Elisabeth and Fischer, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Fleischmannin, Eleonora and Fleischmann, Ignaz (1 proceedings)
- Floderin, Catharina and Floderer, Joseph (2 proceedings)
- Frankin, Anna Maria and Frank, Mathias (2 proceedings)
- Frauburgerin, Anna Maria and Frauburger, Jacob (1 proceedings)
- Fraunburgerin, Maria Theresia and Fraunburger, Jakob (2 proceedings)
- Freyin, Anna Maria and Frey, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Frühwirtin, Gertraud and Frühwirt, Georg (2 proceedings)
- Fröhlichin, Susanna and Fröhlich, Franz (4 proceedings)
- Fürstenfehlnerin, N. and Fürstenfehlner, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Fürtlin, Anna Maria and Fürtl, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Garin, Theresia and Gari, Joseph (2 proceedings)
- Gedingerin, Catharina and Gedinger, Simon (2 proceedings)
- Geiterin, N. and Geiter, Anton Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Grafingerin, Anna Maria and Grafinger, Jacob (1 proceedings)
- Gratschin, Elisabeth and Gratsch, Johann Georg (1 proceedings)
- Grimmin, Maria Anna and Grimm, Johann Michael (1 proceedings)
- Gutmannin, Rosalia and Guttmann, Simon (1 proceedings)
- Hagerin, Anna Maria and Hager, Johann Michael (1 proceedings)
- Hameterin, Magdalena and Hameter, Franz (1 proceedings)
- Harrerin, Theresia and Harrer, Mathias (3 proceedings)
- Hartmannin, Anna Maria and Hartmann, Dominik (1 proceedings)
- Hartmuthin, Maria Anna and Hartmuth, Anton (1 proceedings)
- Heilingerin, Anna Maria and Heilinger, Mathias (1 proceedings)
- Hennas, N. and Hennas, Johann Michael (1 proceedings)
- Hentschlin, Catharina and N.N. (1 proceedings)
- Herzinger, Theresia and Herzinger, Joseph (2 proceedings)
- Heylmayrin, N. and Heylmayr, Johann Michael (1 proceedings)
- Hierstandin, Anna Maria and Hierstand, Carl (1 proceedings)
- Hießbergerin, Barbara and Hießberger, Mathias (5 proceedings)
- Hofbauerin, Cäcilia and Hofbauer, Michael (2 proceedings)
- Hufnaglin, Maria Magdalena and Hufnagl, Reichart (2 proceedings)
- Hödlin, Barbara and Hödl, Leopold (2 proceedings)
- Hörmannin, Catharina and Hörmann, Ignatz (1 proceedings)
- Hörtingerin, Juliana and Hörtinger, Leopold (1 proceedings)
- Kellnerin, Christina and Kellner, Ignaz Franz (2 proceedings)
- Kinmayrin, Eva and Kinmayr, Philipp (1 proceedings)
- Klimmerin, Juliana and Klimmer, Anton (1 proceedings)
- Knottin, Anna Maria and Knott, Franz (2 proceedings)
- Koflerin, Theresia and Kofler, Leopold (1 proceedings)
- Kolloredin, Theresia and Kolloredo, Lorenz (1 proceedings)
- Kolmin, Anna Maria and Kolm, Franz (1 proceedings)
- Krammerin, Catharina and Krammer, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Kreßmarin, N. and Kreßmar, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Köflerin, Barbara and Köfler, Johann (2 proceedings)
- Laagerin, Rosalia and Laager, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Langerin, Theresia Rosalia and Langer, Leopold (5 proceedings)
- Laufnerin, Theresia and Laufner, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Lechnerin, Elisabeth and Lechner, Georg (2 proceedings)
- Legermayrin, Barbara and Legermayr, Adam (1 proceedings)
- Lehnerin, Barbara and Lehner, Josef (1 proceedings)
- Leitnerin, Sophia and Leitner, Philipp (1 proceedings)
- Lernerin, Helena and Lerner, Ferdinand (1 proceedings)
- Linderin, Anna Maria and Linder, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Linderin, N. and Linder, Michael (1 proceedings)
- Linsederin, Elisabeth and Linseder, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Luegmayrin, Theresia and Luegmayer, Joseph (2 proceedings)
- Luizenleutnerin, Christina and Luizenleutner, Johann (2 proceedings)
- Maurerin, Catharina and Maurer, Joseph (4 proceedings)
- Mautnerin, Anna Maria and Mautner, Karl (1 proceedings)
- Mautzin, Maria Anna and Mautz, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Millerin, Catharina and Miller, Joseph (2 proceedings)
- Müllerin, Josepha and Müller, Franz (1 proceedings)
- Neumannin, Elisabeth and Neumann, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Neunteuflin, Anna Maria and Neunteufel, Jakob (1 proceedings)
- Niferin, Regina and Nifer, Johann Georg (2 proceedings)
- Nitschnerin, Anna Maria and Nitschner, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Pachin, Rosalia and Pach, Michael (1 proceedings)
- Pargerin, Anna and Parger, Philipp (1 proceedings)
- Pauerin, Maria Anna and Pauer, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Payerin, Elisabeth and Payer, Joseph (2 proceedings)
- Peningerin, N. and Peninger, Johann Michael (1 proceedings)
- Pfefferin, Theresia and Pfeffer, Johann (2 proceedings)
- Pflieglerin, Barbara and Pfliegler, Mathias (6 proceedings)
- Plankin, Barbara and Plank, Anton (1 proceedings)
- Plechlerin, Rosalia and Plechler, Andre (1 proceedings)
- Praschingerin, N. and Praschinger, Franz (1 proceedings)
- Prauneißin, Barbara and Prauneiß, Ferdinand (2 proceedings)
- Preisingerin, N. and Preisinger, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Prezlin, Anna Maria and Prezel, Thomas (3 proceedings)
- Preßelin, N. and Preßel, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Rackelin, Eva and Rackel, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Romstorferin, Sophia and Romstorfer, Georg (1 proceedings)
- Rueßköferin, Cäcilia and Rueßköfer, Franz (1 proceedings)
- Scheibin, Catharina and Scheib, Anton (4 proceedings)
- Schneiderin, Anna Maria and N.N. (1 proceedings)
- Schneiderin, Catharina and Schneider, Joseph (4 proceedings)
- Schreiberin, Susanna and Schreiber, Georg (4 proceedings)
- Schreittlin, Maria Anna and Schreittl, Leopold (1 proceedings)
- Schrödlin, Elisabeth and Schrödl, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Schuzbörin, Anna Maria and Schuzbör, Johann Georg (1 proceedings)
- Schwarzbucherin, Katharina and Schwarzbucher, Stephan (2 proceedings)
- Schwazin, Juliana and Schwaz, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Seibin, N. and Seib, Franz (1 proceedings)
- Seitlin, Johanna and Seitl, Johann Georg (3 proceedings)
- Sießin, Maria Anna and Sieß, Anton (1 proceedings)
- Spiegelin, Maria Anna and Spiegel, Michael (1 proceedings)
- Stammerin, Magdalena and Stammer, Mathias (1 proceedings)
- Steindlin, Eleonora and Steind, N. (1 proceedings)
- Steinmetzin, N. and Steinmetz, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Stobelin, Elisabeth and Stobel, Mathias (1 proceedings)
- Straplerin, Magdalena and Strapler, N. (1 proceedings)
- Stullpfarrerin, Rosalia and Stullpfarrer, Peter (1 proceedings)
- Stummerin, Sophia and Stummer, Johann Georg (1 proceedings)
- Stögerin, Theresia and Stöger, Franz (1 proceedings)
- Stögerin, Theresia (Franziska) and Stöger, Karl (4 proceedings)
- Tanzerin, Elisabeth and Tanzer, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Tetiein, Elisabeth and Tetie, Andre (1 proceedings)
- Thurmerin, Magdalena and Thurmer, Anton (2 proceedings)
- Traunerin, Maria Anna and Trauner, Leopold (1 proceedings)
- Tscherwenckin, Anna Maria and Tscherwenck, Johann (1 proceedings)
- unbekannt and unbekannt (1 proceedings)
- Voglsingerin, Klara and Voglsinger, Anton (2 proceedings)
- Wallnerin, Juliana and Wallner, Mathias (1 proceedings)
- Walterin, Theresia and Walterin, Andre (2 proceedings)
- Weidhartin, Barbara and N.N. (1 proceedings)
- Weinerin, Elisabeth and Weiner, Johann Nikolaus (3 proceedings)
- Weissenbeckin, N. and Weissenbeck, Johann Georg (1 proceedings)
- Weissin, Agnes and Weiß, Joseph (3 proceedings)
- Wibmerin, Anna Maria and Wibmer, Karl (1 proceedings)
- Widhalmin, Eva Rosina and Widhalm, Johann Georg (1 proceedings)
- Widtmannin, Josepha and Widtmann, Anton (7 proceedings)
- Wimbergerin, Magdalena and Wimberger, Georg (1 proceedings)
- Windischbaurin, Theresia and Windischbauer, Georg (4 proceedings)
- Winterbergerin, Magdalena and Winterberger, Johann, Georg (1 proceedings)
- Wisingerin, Regina and Wisinger, Mathias (1 proceedings)
- Wiskozillin, Anna Catharina and Wiskozill von Greiff, Johann Georg (1 proceedings)
- Wistermayerin, N. and Wistermayer, Georg (1 proceedings)
- Zinsenbauerin, Maria and Zinsenbauer, Michael (1 proceedings)
- Zipfelmayrin, Maria Anna and Zipfelmayr, Johann Georg (1 proceedings)