- Breuerin, Anna Catharina and Breuer, Martin (1 proceedings)
- Bäurin, Maria and Bauer, Philipp (1 proceedings)
- Carlothin, Theresia and Carloth, Friedrich (1 proceedings)
- Danhoferin, Sophia and Danhofer, Stephan (2 proceedings)
- Diennebierin, Anna Barbara and Diennebier, Georg (5 proceedings)
- Eckhartin, Magdalena and Eckhart, Franz (1 proceedings)
- Ergottin, Theresia and Ehrgott, Lorenz (1 proceedings)
- Eyßnerin, Catharina and Eyßner, Johann Michael (1 proceedings)
- Fragstein, Antonia von and Fragstein, Ernst von (2 proceedings)
- Frischmuthin, Elisabeth and Frischmuth, Johann Georg (2 proceedings)
- Fronerin, Magdalena and Froner, Adam (2 proceedings)
- Gaboldin, Catharina and Gabold, Johann Georg (1 proceedings)
- Gallaunerin, Franziska and Gallauner, Johann Michael (1 proceedings)
- Gaßnerin, Anna Maria and Gaßner, Thadeus (1 proceedings)
- Graßlin, Theresia and Graßl, Michael (3 proceedings)
- Grienbergerin, Appolonia and Grienberger, Heinrich (1 proceedings)
- Hagerin, Anna Maria and Hager, Lorenz (2 proceedings)
- Hauckhin, Rosina and Hauck, Gotthard (1 proceedings)
- Heel, Barbara and Heel, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Holmoslehnerin, Maria Anna and Holmoslehner, Peter (1 proceedings)
- Honauerin, Maria Ursula and Honauer, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Horzigin, N. and Horzig, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Huberin, Maria Barbara and Huber, Johann Michael (1 proceedings)
- Höffingerin, Ursula and Höffinger, Daniel (1 proceedings)
- Kalteneckerin, Anna Maria and Kaltenecker, Paul (1 proceedings)
- Khunin, Maria Barbara and Khun, Franz (1 proceedings)
- Klutzin, Maria and Klutz, Simon (1 proceedings)
- Kraftin, Elisabeth and Kraft, Mathias (3 proceedings)
- Krausin, N. and Kraus, Georg Tobias (1 proceedings)
- Krepsin, Anna Maria and Kreps, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Köckhin, Theresia alias Kernlin and Köckh, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Lattermayerin, Anna and Lattermayer, Mathias (1 proceedings)
- Mayerin, Maria Anna and Mayer, Andre (1 proceedings)
- Ottin, Agnes and Ott, Johann (7 proceedings)
- Pallwein, Theresia and Pallwein, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Pauchingerin, Dorothea and Pauchinger, Ferdinand (2 proceedings)
- Paurin, Catharina and Pauer, Adam (1 proceedings)
- Polzin, Magdalena and Polzer, Niklas (2 proceedings)
- Poppin, Barbara and Popp, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Rannerin, Magdalena and Ranner, Simon (1 proceedings)
- Ratschinin, Regina and Ratschin, Franz (2 proceedings)
- Rumin, Barbara and Rum, Johann (9 proceedings)
- Schullerin, Barbara and Schuller, Franz (1 proceedings)
- Schullerin, Martha and Schuller, Johann Michael (1 proceedings)
- Schwingschlöglin, Maria Magdalena and Schwingschlögl, Thomas (1 proceedings)
- Seurlhuberin, Maria Magdalena and Seurlhuber, Johann Georg (1 proceedings)
- Straussin, Catharina and Straussin, Paul (1 proceedings)
- Streblin, Margaretha and Strebl, Lorenz (1 proceedings)
- Streintzin, Anna Maria and Streintz, Georg (2 proceedings)
- Turenitschin, Maria and Turenitsch, Mathias (1 proceedings)
- Wincklerin, Justina and Winckler, Leopold (1 proceedings)
- Wißerin, Anna Maria and Wißer, Sebastian (1 proceedings)
- Wurtzin, Susanna and Wurtz, Franz Leopold (2 proceedings)
- Zaunerin, Catharina and Zauner, Georg (1 proceedings)
- Zögernitzin, Eva Regina and Zögernitz, Anton (1 proceedings)