- Abererin, Margaretha and Aberer, Joseph (3 proceedings)
- Achtsnitin, Eva and Achtsnit, Paul (1 proceedings)
- Anhauerin, Anna and Anhaur, Franz (1 proceedings)
- Bauerin, Barbara and Bauer, Johann (5 proceedings)
- Dürnbacherin, Elisabeth and Dürnbacher, Mathias (4 proceedings)
- Emichin, Maria Anna and Emich, Joseph (1 proceedings)
- Fürmanin, Justina and Fürman, N. (1 proceedings)
- Grosin, N. and Gros, Adam (2 proceedings)
- Gumpingin, Helena and Gumping, Michael (1 proceedings)
- Ledererin, Maria and Lederer, Andreas (1 proceedings)
- Leithnerin, Susanna and Leithner, Ignatz (1 proceedings)
- Martinin, Eleonora and Martin, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Mayerin, Helena and Mayer, Michael (2 proceedings)
- Obereggerin, N. and Oberegger, Georg (1 proceedings)
- Puecherin, Maria and Puecher, Mathias (1 proceedings)
- Sailerin, Maria Rosina and Sailer, Franz (4 proceedings)
- Schifferin, Magdalena and Schiffer, Franz (2 proceedings)
- Schnaiderin, Catharina and Schnaider, Wolf (1 proceedings)
- Schreinerin, Regina and Schreiner, Anton (1 proceedings)
- Secorin, Anna Catharina and Secor, Thomas (1 proceedings)
- Singerin, Maria and Singer, Tobias (3 proceedings)
- Stieberin, Anna and Stieber, Christoph (1 proceedings)
- Stubenrauchin, Maria and Stubenrauch, Peter (1 proceedings)
- Sunnenbergerin, Maria and Sunnenberger, Ruprecht (1 proceedings)
- Taschnerin, Rosina Catharina and Taschner, Maximilian (1 proceedings)
- Tschullin, Magdalena and Tschull, Mathias (3 proceedings)
- Wallnerin, Barbara and Wallner, Stephan (1 proceedings)
- Walterin, Christina and Walter, Johann Baptista (3 proceedings)
- Ybmerin, Elisabeth and Ybmer, Mathias (1 proceedings)