- Alberin, Barbara and Alber, Caspar (1 proceedings)
- Alberin, Barbara (2) and Alber, Hans (1 proceedings)
- Andorferin, Catharina and Andorfer, Stefan (1 proceedings)
- Andrein, Lucia and N.N. (1 proceedings)
- Bucherin, Margaretha and Bucher, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Carlin, Anna and N.N. (2 proceedings)
- Cramerin, Clara and Cramer, Blasius (1 proceedings)
- Daschnerin, N. and Daschner, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Degenederin, Rosina and Degeneder, Stephan (1 proceedings)
- Dornerin, Salome and Dorner, Vinzenz (1 proceedings)
- Ebmayrin, Elisabeth and Ebmayr, Stephan (1 proceedings)
- Ebnerin, Elisabeth and Ebner, Christoph (1 proceedings)
- Eckherin, Catharina and Eckher, Urban (1 proceedings)
- Egelmayrin, N. and Egelmayr, Caspar (1 proceedings)
- Egererin, Anna and Egerer, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Engelheerin, Margaretha and Engelheer, Andreas (1 proceedings)
- Feyerabentin, N. and Feyerabent, Vitus (1 proceedings)
- Fländorfferin, N. and Fländorffer, Benedict (2 proceedings)
- Fridlin, Kunigunde and Fridl, Martin (1 proceedings)
- Froschmayrin, Christina and Froschmayer, Georg (1 proceedings)
- Frumboldtin, N. and Frumboldt, Hans (1 proceedings)
- Fuxhoferin, Margaretha and Fuxhofer, Pankraz (1 proceedings)
- Gatterlerin, N. and Gatterler, Georg (1 proceedings)
- Glaserin, Genofeva and Glaser, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Goltzwarthin, Ursula and N.N. (1 proceedings)
- Grabnerin, Barbara and N.N. (1 proceedings)
- Grienwaltin, Margaretha and Grienwalt, Jacob (1 proceedings)
- Griessmairin, Ursula and Griessmair, Stephan (1 proceedings)
- Grossin, Margaretha and Gross, N. (1 proceedings)
- Gruberin, Ursula and Gruber, Wolfgang (1 proceedings)
- Grundtmayrin, Agathe and Grundtmayr, N. (1 proceedings)
- Gundlin, Elisabeth and Gundl, Sigismund (1 proceedings)
- Gunerin, Lucia and Gruner, Thomas (1 proceedings)
- Gutzenin, Barbara and Gutzen, Andreas (1 proceedings)
- Göltlin, Felicitas and Göltl, Stephan (2 proceedings)
- Göstlin, N. and Göstl, Hans (1 proceedings)
- Habermairin, Magdalena and Habermair, Bernhard (3 proceedings)
- Hainpuecherin, Catharina and Hainpucher, Georg (1 proceedings)
- Hauerin, Anna and Hauer, Urban (1 proceedings)
- Haydenin, Ursula and Hayden, Klemens (1 proceedings)
- Heffterin, Anna and Heffter, N. (1 proceedings)
- Heiderin, Magdalena and Heider, Mathias (1 proceedings)
- Helmspergerin, Eva and Helmsperger, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Herzogin, Elisabeth and Herzog, Christoph (1 proceedings)
- Hetzlin, Katharina and Hetzl, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Heübtlin, Barbara and Heübtl, Christoph (1 proceedings)
- Hilekherin, Magdalena and Hilekher, Hans (1 proceedings)
- Hofsteterin, Dorothea and Hofsteter, Hans (1 proceedings)
- Holtzbeuerin, Khunigunde and Holtzbeuer, N. (1 proceedings)
- Holzapflin, Katharina and Holzapfl, Michael (1 proceedings)
- Huberin, Margaretha and Huber, Michael (1 proceedings)
- Huebmerin, Anna and Huebmer, Johannes (1 proceedings)
- Höcknerin, Barbara and Höckner, Georg (1 proceedings)
- Höfflmayrin, Anna and Höfflmayr, N. (2 proceedings)
- Hörmanin, Agnes and Hörmann, Leopold (2 proceedings)
- Hörmannin, Margaretha and Hörmann, Mathias (1 proceedings)
- Katzmairin, Anna and Katzmair, Sigismund (1 proceedings)
- Kharrerin, N. and Kharrer, Wolfgang (1 proceedings)
- Kherschpaumbin, Margaretha verw. and N.N. (1 proceedings)
- Khirchmayrin, Margaretha and N.N. (2 proceedings)
- Khochrerin, Ursula and Khochrer, Stephan (1 proceedings)
- Kholerin, Agnes and Kohler, Georg (1 proceedings)
- Kholnpergerin, N. and Kholnperger, Sebastian (1 proceedings)
- Khorttnizin, Katharina
and Khorttniz, Blasius
(1 proceedings)
- Khrautwurmin, Magdalena and Khrautwurm, Georg (1 proceedings)
- Khrenin, Anna and Khren, Christoph (1 proceedings)
- Khünigsgruberin, Ursula and Khünigsgruebern, Hans (1 proceedings)
- Khünstin, Margaretha and N.N. (1 proceedings)
- Khöckin, Margaretha and N.N. (1 proceedings)
- Knäpplin, Magdalena and Knäppl, Johann (2 proceedings)
- Kollin, Anna and Koll, Wolfgang (1 proceedings)
- Kornpergerin, Apollonia and Kornperger, Georg (1 proceedings)
- Kuetoplerin, N. and Kuetopler, N. (1 proceedings)
- Larenzin, Dorothea and Larenz, Georg (1 proceedings)
- Leiglerin, Magdalena and Leigler, Jacob (1 proceedings)
- Leschin, N. and Lesch, Georg (1 proceedings)
- Lindthamerin, N. and Lindthamer, Paul (1 proceedings)
- Lonnerin, Kunigunde and Lonner, Georg (1 proceedings)
- Mairin, Elisabeth and Mair, Martin (1 proceedings)
- Mairin, Magdalena
and Mair, Mathias (1 proceedings)
- Mandorfferin, Ursula and Mandorffer, N. (1 proceedings)
- Marcholdtin, Ursula and Marcholdt, Clemens (1 proceedings)
- Marthelin, Margaretha and Marthel, Oswald (1 proceedings)
- Mayrin, Magdalena and Mayr, N. (1 proceedings)
- Maysingerin, Barbara and Maysinger, Andreas (1 proceedings)
- Mitschin, Susanna and Mitsch, Valentin (1 proceedings)
- Modauerin, Anna and Modauer, Georg (1 proceedings)
- Mosmüllerin, N. and Mosmüller, Wolfgang (1 proceedings)
- Müllnerin, Anna and Müller, Mert (1 proceedings)
- Müllnerin, Lucia and Müllner, N. (1 proceedings)
- N., Anna and N., Vinzenz (1 proceedings)
- N., Barbara and N.N. (1 proceedings)
- N., Gertraut and N.N. (1 proceedings)
- N., Margaretha and N., Stefan (1 proceedings)
- Negkherin, Barbara and Negkher, Jacob (2 proceedings)
- Neumairin, Apollonia and Neumair, N. (1 proceedings)
- Nidermayrin, Anna and Nidermayr, Otto (1 proceedings)
- Nottlitschin, Susanna and Nottlitsch, Leopold (1 proceedings)
- Nörnischweitzerin, Anna and Nörnischweitzer, N. (1 proceedings)
- Obermairin, Catharina and Obermair, Wolfgang (1 proceedings)
- Obermayrin, Ursula and Obermayer, N. (1 proceedings)
- Oberndorfferin, Christina and Oberndorffer, Michael (1 proceedings)
- Oederin, Margaretha and Oeder, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Olberin, N. and Olber, Caspar (1 proceedings)
- Pachmairin, Katharina and Pachmair, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Paiglin, N. and Paigl, Christoph (1 proceedings)
- Paldaufin, Anna and Knapp, Leopold (1 proceedings)
- Pangratzin, Anna and Pangratz, Jakob (1 proceedings)
- Parthoferin, Brigitta and Parthofer, Kaspar (1 proceedings)
- Paulbauerin, Barbara and Paulbauer, N. (1 proceedings)
- Peningin, Anna and Pening, Kilian (1 proceedings)
- Petamaiin, Barbara and Petamai, Josef (1 proceedings)
- Peyerin, Katharina and Peyer, Mathias (1 proceedings)
- Peütelschießin, N. and Peütelschieß, Jacob (2 proceedings)
- Pinderin, Elena and Pinder, Leopold (1 proceedings)
- Ponichin, Ursula and Ponich, Laurenz (1 proceedings)
- Praunstainin, Anna and Praunstein, Valentin (3 proceedings)
- Prennerin, Kunigunde and Prenner, Rudbert (1 proceedings)
- Preuerin, N. and Preuer, Augustin (1 proceedings)
- Printzin, Margaretha and Printz, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Puchmairin, N. and Puechmair, Georg (1 proceedings)
- Pästorfferin, Anna and Pästorffer, N. (1 proceedings)
- Pösslin, Regina and Pössl, Florian (1 proceedings)
- Rathin, Anna and Rath, N. (1 proceedings)
- Rathin, Margaretha and Rath, Christoph (2 proceedings)
- Rattgebin, Dorothea and Rattgeb, Kaspar (1 proceedings)
- Reinin, Elisabeth and N.N. (1 proceedings)
- Reitterin, Anna and Reitter, Mauritius (1 proceedings)
- Roßwürgerin, Martha and Roßwürger, Udalrich (1 proceedings)
- Rueckhlerin, Gertraud and Rueckhler, Peter (1 proceedings)
- Ruezin, Margaretha and Ruez, Georg (1 proceedings)
- Rummelin, Margaretha and Rummel, Simon (1 proceedings)
- Rößlerin, N. and Rößler, Michael (1 proceedings)
- Salpachin, N. and Salpach, Stephan (3 proceedings)
- Schafferin, Apolonia and Schaffer, Erasmus (1 proceedings)
- Schererin, Martha and Scherer, Kaspar (1 proceedings)
- Schleinckhofferin, Anna and Schleinckhoffer, Michael (1 proceedings)
- Schleintzerin, Anna and N.N. (1 proceedings)
- Schmidtin, Katharina and Schmidt, Uldarich (1 proceedings)
- Schmuekhin, Catharina and Schmuekh, Lukas (1 proceedings)
- Schoberin, N. and Schober, Kolloman (1 proceedings)
- Schreinerin, N. and Schreiner, Christoph (1 proceedings)
- Schreinerin, Ursula and Schreiner, Hans (1 proceedings)
- Schultesin, Barbara and Schultes, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Schumanin, Clara and Schuman, N. (1 proceedings)
- Schuschitzin, Radigund and Schuschitz, Georg (1 proceedings)
- Schwaranin, Martha and Schwaran, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Schütterin, Dorothea and Schütter, Philipp (1 proceedings)
- Schätzlin, Anna and N.N. (1 proceedings)
- Schönauerin, N. and Schönauer, Sigmund (1 proceedings)
- Seidlin, Ursula and Seidl, Andreas (1 proceedings)
- Seydlin, Magdalena and Seydl, Lienhard (1 proceedings)
- Siberin, Margaretha and Siber, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Siedendorfferin, N. and Siedendorffer, Hans (1 proceedings)
- Spiezerin, Elisabeth and Spiezer, Leopold (1 proceedings)
- Staindlin, Barbara and Staindl, Alex (3 proceedings)
- Stainerin, Christina and Stainer, N. (1 proceedings)
- Sternederin, Margaretha and Sterneder, N. (1 proceedings)
- Stockherin, Anna and Stockher, Georg (1 proceedings)
- Sumerin, Dorothea and Sumer, Leonhard (1 proceedings)
- Sumersguetterin, Anna and Sumersguette, Georg (1 proceedings)
- Süessenpeckhin, N. and Süessenpeckh, Paul (1 proceedings)
- Tanimanin, Margaretha and Taniman, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Tannerin, Katharina and Tanner, Wolfgang (1 proceedings)
- Terrin, N. and Terr, Paul (1 proceedings)
- Träpplin, Margaretha and Träppl, Colmann (1 proceedings)
- Tuncklin, Margareta and Tunckl, Leopold (1 proceedings)
- Twengerin, Ursula and Twenger, Leonhard (1 proceedings)
- unbekannt and unbekannt (1 proceedings)
- Velspergerin, Agnes and Velsperger, Georg (1 proceedings)
- Ventin, Barbara and Vent, Paul (1 proceedings)
- Vettendorferin, Elisabeth and Vettendorfer, Stephan (1 proceedings)
- Waiblin, NN and Waibl, Hans (1 proceedings)
- Waidthofferin, Ursula and Waidthoffer, Andreas (1 proceedings)
- Walchin, Anna and Walch, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Waldingerin, N. and Waldinger, Wolfgang (1 proceedings)
- Waldnerin, Apollonia and Waldner, Augustin (1 proceedings)
- Wallnerin, N. and Wallner, Veith (1 proceedings)
- Weberin, Hedwig and N.N. (1 proceedings)
- Weinberin, Apollonia and Weinber, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Weindlin, Anna and Weindl, N. (1 proceedings)
- Weissin, Catharina and Weiss, N. (1 proceedings)
- Wellerin, Barbara and Weller, Friedrich (1 proceedings)
- Wendlin, N. and Wendl, Wolfgang (1 proceedings)
- Wernischweitzerin, Anna and Wernischweitzer, Franz (1 proceedings)
- Wildin, Walpurga and Wild, Georg (1 proceedings)
- Wildpergerin, Margaretha and Wildperger, Johannes (1 proceedings)
- Winckhlerin, Eva and Winckhler, Wolfgang (1 proceedings)
- Wisentin, Rosina and Wisent, Georg (1 proceedings)
- Wolffinger, Magdalena and Wolffinger, Ulrich (2 proceedings)
- Wolfin, Margaretha and Wolf, Johann (1 proceedings)
- Wolframin, Margareth and Wolfram, Gregor (1 proceedings)